Sunday, December 16, 2012

Always busy!

Well Mason is officially 46 weeks old this week. Where has time gone? In 6 weeks, my little baby will be 1. What a year we have had too! With the loss of 2 grandparents and the birth of Mason and my niece Alexis, it's been a crazy year. It's been a busy week this week with Mason's great-grandma Christensen's funeral, but at least we got to have some family time:) Then Aunt Jamie and Cousin Alexis came and stayed at our house for a few days which was really fun.

Mason is such a funny guy these days. He is just starting to balance on his own, but gets very nervous when he realizes what he is doing. He loves walking his puppy though. He is getting really good at giving "high fives". He thinks he is pretty cool. It's going to be exciting with Christmas events starting next weekend for us. Mason gets to have 5 different Christmases, can you say spoiled?

Some of Mason's favorites this week are:
-mandarin oranges
-green beans
-pretty much any meat, veggie, and fruit pleases this child
-his blankie
-his puppy (walking)
-trucks/cars--anything with wheels really
-jingles bells--he loves dancing to the Christmas music and shaking the bells
-Mauer and Mattie

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our lives!

Well one of my most amazing friends, Tessie, inspired me to start a blog.  This has been a crazy week for our house. My grandma (dad's mom) passed away on Saturday. It was expected but it's still a hard time for my dad especially. So we will be traveling home this week to say our goodbyes. It's been a bittersweet year with the birth of Mason in January, the loss of my grandpa on mine and Brandon's 4th wedding anniversary, birth of Alexis, our niece, and then the loss of my grandma so close to Christmas. God has a way of working and He knows exactly what he is doing and I trust in Him completely. Life is full of miracles and blessings. We have been so blessed with such a wonderful family to help get through the wonderful and tough times together.